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Special Legal Risk Management

Special  legal risk management is a special legal service provided by the Firm’s  lawyers, and it specially aims to provide solutions and related  services for prevention, discovery, management and disposal of special  legal risks. Prevention and control of special legal risks aims to,  through establishment of complete special legal risk management system  for customers, sustainably help customers reduce the potential legal  risk cost to a large extent and to improve customers’ own efficiency and  competitive power. The Firm’s lawyers have provided complete and  effective legal services related to special legal risk management and  control system for numerous customers.

We provide the following legal services:

o  Legal risk management related to organization structure

o  Legal risk management related to contract affairs

o  Legal risk management related to intellectual property

o  Legal risk management related to business secrets

o  Legal risk management related to core labor and personnel

o  Legal risk management related to security affairs

o  Legal risk management related to environmental protection

o  Legal risk management related to tort liability

o  Legal risk management related to other major special affairs

Last item:Tax law Next item:Anti-monopoly/Anti-unfair Competition
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