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Enterprise Reformation / Property Right Transaction

     Enterprise  reformation and property right transaction are among the advantageous  businesses of the Firm. The Firm can provide full-process services in  terms of legal affairs involved in the process of enterprise reformation  and property right transaction, such as project approval,  demonstration, schematic design, approval, due diligence investigation,  property right definition, assets and capital verification, transaction  document design, contract conclusion, execution, corporate governance,  etc..

The  enterprise reformation and property right transaction businesses that  the Firm has undertaken involve value of assets of over RMB 30 billion.

We provide the following legal services:

o  Planning and drafting of state-owned enterprise reformation plans

o  State-owned property (equity) transfer and transaction

o  Reorganization  of assets, businesses, personnel, management, creditor’s rights and  debts in the process of state-owned enterprise reformation

o  Reformation plans for collective enterprises and related legal affairs

o  Reformation plans for partnership enterprises and related legal affairs

o  Reformation plans for institutions and related legal affairs

Last item:Acquisition and Reorganization Next item:Labor and personnel
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