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Tax law

   Nowadays,  with increasingly delicate cost management, tax cost has become one of  the core factors affecting the profit. The trend of institutionalization  and internationalization of business environment in China  has irrevers1bly developed at a fast speed. Potential legal risks for  lack of reasonable commercial purposes or lack of tax avoidance  arrangement of economic nature are increasing obviously. How to realize  legal tax avoidance rather than illegal tax evasion and how to bring  about optimization of tax cost have become core management issues hardly  avoided by the decision makers. 

   The  firm has senior tax lawyers as well as a financial and tax expert team.  With strong professional competence, rich practice experience, an  assiduous work attitude, a profound understanding of the customers’  demand, we are able to help customers get out of the tax dilemma.

We provide the following legal services:

o  Tax  planning related to enterprise legal acts. The Firm’s lawyers exploit  their relevant professional advantages in law, finance, tax, etc.,  optimize the combination of the service team, and strive to provide  one-stop, low-cost, optimized and complete solutions.

o  Resolution  of tax disputes. The Firm will give full play to the legal  accomplishments and professional advantages of the tax lawyers, to  resolve the tax disputes by communicating with competent tax authorities

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